Strong and perfect glutes!

Firstly, it is important to understand that the glutes are made up of several muscles. The most required for our daily activities are the maximum and the medium. The gluteus maximus refers to lateral rotation and hip extension movements. The gluteus medius refers to hip flexion and adduction movements.

When we work this area of the body, we naturally help to achieve a much-desired improved aesthetic result and this is sought after by many, many people. Having strong glutes and a perfect, firm “butt” is the desire of most people who goes to gyms to keep their body in shape. But don’t be fooled by those who think it’s just a female audience. This search for exercises that help maintain a beautiful “butt” has also reached the male public.


It’s not just about looks!

Strong glutes help support the body and take the burden off the knees in impact physical activities and also in everyday activities, such as going up and down stairs. That’s why this is considered an excellent exercise to help us lift our glutes. In fact, working your glutes and having strong lower limbs is very important for your health, as this is the part of the body that supports everything else. It should not be forgotten that: Reinforced legs prevent lower back pain and protect the hip, knee and ankle joints, reducing the risk of injuries in these areas.


What are the best exercises to achieve good results?

There are several simple exercises that we can perform even at home using basic equipment that takes up very little space. In fact, you just need some available time, desire and the music you like most! We present some examples:

  • Squats: This is a classic! It can be done with just your body weight or with some load, for example, dumbbells. It is a type of exercise that demands a lot of the muscles of the “butt” and thighs, as it involves muscles, joints and tendons.
  • Step: Helps burn a lot of calories. The step uses an accessory with the same name. The results are most noticeable on the hips, legs, abdomen and “butt”.
  • Barbell lifting: In this case, use a bar and discs or pump kit. When performed correctly, this type of exercise helps improve the gluteal region. Despite using the arms, the posterior muscle group is the most worked. In addition to your glutes, with this exercise you will also strengthen your abdomen.
  • Advancement with dumbbells :This exercise involves the hips and knees in a very intense way. It can be done unilaterally or as a pass, that is, when the person first passes one leg in front, then the other.
There are other exercises that we can also do at home and that are equally suitable for the intended purpose.
  • Lifts: On your back, with your legs bent, lift your hips, squeezing your buttocks, and place your hands as close to your ankles as you can, until your body is raised straight up. Attention: without straining your back. The aim is to feel slight pressure on your hips and buttocks – if you do, it means you are doing the exercise well. Start by holding each lift for 10 seconds, then increase the time to 15 and 20 seconds in later sessions. Repeat 4 times.
  • Crossed jumps: Standing, with your legs apart, start by doing small jumps, crossing your legs in the air; return to the original position and cross in reverse. You can do 4 sets of 25 or 30 jumps.
  • Jumping rope: Standing up, jump for 10 minutes without stopping, for example. Attention: a good rhythm works wonders.
  • Side: On your side, lying on the mat, raise the leg on top laterally until it forms a 30-degree angle. Return to the starting position. Attention: the leg must be straight and so must the toes. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions with each leg. Suggestion: to notice more effect you can use shin guards to add more weight or elastic bands.

Physical exercise is essential to achieve the desired results, but without combining a healthy diet and good hydration, they will be more difficult to achieve, however, one should not overdo it to avoid possible injuries.


Healthy eating
  • Avoid soft drinks, sugary yogurts, sweet biscuits, artificial juices, chocolates and sweets in general. If we like sweets we can, for example, opt for dried fruits (not to be confused with candied fruits) which are a good option, or use honey to sweeten – honey performs this task in a healthy way.
  • Planning your meals and not waiting because you are very hungry is undoubtedly a good solution.
  • Moisturizing is essential. Our advice is that you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. A good solution might be to flavor the water with fruit or mint, for example. It becomes easier to maintain this purpose. You can also enrich your diet with foods such as cucumber, melon or watermelon, which are also rich in water. Another way to hydrate is to drink tea, especially if it’s hot, because it facilitates digestion and digests fat, which is what you want.
alimentação e exercício

To improve the effect of the exercises, we can perform 2 or 3 sets of 10 repetitions, and to improve our desire, we can choose a good playlist and also comfortable clothes – it makes a difference!


Don’t forget:

The exercises must be guided by a professional in the field as they will provide the necessary and appropriate guidance for carrying out the exercises, especially if we inform you of our objectives.
Before starting training, we recommend, as usual, a visit to a doctor to make sure you are fit for physical exercise.



Good workouts

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